A blog for all my hair related experiances from dreads, wigs extensions and more... including tutorials and showcases!

Monday 25 July 2011

Mountain of hair

So having the house to oneself at the weekend you would expect parties and drinking etc.. no not me, my little dread-making apprentice and I sat in the livingroom all weekend and made loads of dreads ready for club tron this friday as we are both wearing a new set each. The floor of the living room looked like it was carpeted with hair as Corey has not yet mastered the art of preventing sheading whilst blending colours haha but its fine, no hair was wasted.

So far they are looking great and Corey is learning loads and his work is improving in leaps and bounds, I am really proud of him. We still have some more to make before then so he will be around again to finish off the set and get them installed, cant wait to see them on him.

We also make some matching fringes which look so cute.

Here is a pic of part of Corey's new set

Oh and corey trying out his new fringe whilst deciding to raid my accessories box and borrow my green falls, goggle and mask... he was doing it all night

Thursday 7 July 2011

New blog ahoy!

As you can see I have made a new blog for all things hairy and the like, this will include tutorials and everything previously stated.... so to kick off this new blog I am going to show you the new install of Human hair I did for my sister (she loves it!! which is always a good sign)

Now that's out of the way time to talk about other things, as stated in the previous posts (via my other blog - aka. crafts) I was talking about tutorials and also a challenge, well that is now underway. The first tutorial will be up with any luck tomorrow... maybe more than one. I also have a poll up now so that you can choose which 'difficult' colours of hair I should attempt to make dreads with. Remember successful challenge sets will be for sale at a very cheap price. So the poll to the right of this page is where to select.colours can be seen at www.midnightorchid.co.nr